Question: We deployed a Nginx and PHPFPM based application on Kubernetes cluster last week and it had been working fine. This morning one...
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Home / Archive for February 2022
Fix Issue with VolumeMounts in Kubernetes Kodekloud
Question: We deployed a Nginx and PHPFPM based setup on Kubernetes cluster last week and it had been working fine. This morning one of th...
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Deploy MySQL on Kubernetes Kodekloud
Question: A new MySQL server needs to be deployed on Kubernetes cluster. The Nautilus DevOps team was working on to gather the requiremen...
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How to Create an AWS ECS CLuster with Hello World APP Using Terraform
Terraform code:
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Manage Git Repositories Kodekloud
Question: A new developer just joined the Nautilus development team and has been assigned a new project for which he needs to create a new...
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How to Create an AKS Cluster Using Terraform
Terraform Code:
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