Question: The Nautilus DevOps team is planning to set up a Jenkins CI server to create/manage some deployment pipelines for some of the projects. They want to set up the Jenkins server on Kubernetes cluster. Below you can find more details about the task:
1) Create namespace jenkins
2) Create a Service for jenkins deployment. Service name should be jenkins-service under jenkins namespace, type should be NodePort, targetport should be 8080 and nodePort should be 30008
3) Create a Jenkins Deployment under jenkins namespace, It should be name as jenkins-deployment , labels app should be jenkins , container name should be jenkins-container , use jenkins/jenkins image , containerPort should be 8080 and replicas count should be 1.
Make sure to wait for pods to be in running state before clicking on Finish button.
Note: The kubectl utility on jump_host has been configured to work with the kubernetes cluster.
Create the mentioned namespace at first
kubectl create ns jenkins
Then create the service and deployment yaml according to question
vi jenkins-deployment.yaml
Apply the deployment
kubectl apply -f jenkins-deployment.yaml
Wath the pod
watch kubectl get po -n jenkins
Check the service
kubectl get svc -n jenkins
Run curl command from the pod to check the deployment
kubectl exec jenkins-deployment-6b6c78f968-7s8c4 -n jenkins -- curl http://localhost:8080
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