At first configure the storage server
Login to storage server
ssh natasha@ststor01
sudo su
Set up nfs server
yum install -y nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib
Read the question and find the directory. My directory is /code . You can find different directory.
Edit the /etc/exports
vi /etc/exports
Enable, start and check status
systemctl enable nfs-server && sudo systemctl start nfs-server && sudo systemctl status nfs-server
Check the export and mount configuration
exportfs -av
sudo showmount -e ststor01
Install open ssh client
yum install -y openssh-clients openssh
Now open another terminal and go to jump server
Copy index.html from jump server to storage server
scp /tmp/index.html natasha@ststor01:/tmp
Now, Back to storage server and copy index.html from /tmp to /code folder
cp /tmp/index.html /code
Now go to stapp01, stapp02, and stapp03 server and do the followings in every appserver
Set nfs in all appservers
yum install nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib
Create the mentioned directory in the question and mount the nfs server on this newly created directory
mkdir -p /var/www/app
sudo mount -t nfs /var/www/app
Enable, Start, and Show status
systemctl enable nfs-server && sudo systemctl start nfs-server && sudo systemctl status nfs-server
Add the mount point permanently
vi /etc/fstab
echo /var/www/app nfs defaults 0 0 > /etc/fstab
Now check the /var/www/app directory in all app servers. You can find the index.html file which is originally located in storage server.
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