Question : You are asked to install cronie and create a cron job for a linux server . Cron Job: */5 * * * * echo hello > /tmp/cron_text
N.B: You have to do this in all server stapp01,stapp02, stapp03. I have showed only for stapp03.
1. At first login as a root user : sudo su
2. Install cronie in the server : yum install cronie
3. Start cron service: systemctl start crond.service
Check cron service status: systemctl status crond.service
Write the cron job: */5 * * * * echo hello > /tmp/cron_text
Check cron job: crontab -l
5. Check cron job for root: crontab -u root -l
I have made a video tutorial. You can check this
Task from: KodeKloud Engineer Linux System Administrator Task 2
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